The Podcast Show
The podcast show of "Nichel Anderson Short Stories And Beyond" is about to close out Season 7 2023-2024 before the summer annual break of Ms. Anderson from June to end of August. Check out the finale shows that starts in April and ends in may with always epic storytelling.
Announcing the first MOLIAE Music Album anticipated to be release in 2023 with the first single released in 2022 entitled “When Love Was Divine” check it out and share it if you believe in the positive vibe True Love that souls can have for a happy journey together!
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Get access to Divine Storytelling that inspire, innovate thought-provoking messages that are influential by published author and host of podcast show Nichel Anderson to get early access to episodes before public release, guests interviews, bonuses episodes and clip notes on prior episodes. Join on Apple.
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The MOLIAE Production
Of the journey towards making Ms. Nichel Anderson’s book “Mitsrayim: A Memoir of A Past Life In Ancient Egypt” into a feature film, in the meantime, entailed theatre, short films, feature film of Dr. W.E.B. DuBois of “Dawn of A New Day” and Short Stories entailing releasing a Comic Book Series. Stay tune for the re-access to these and future film endeavors as updating that domain for completion is TBA.
Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois
The Power of Reading Week during the month of February of Nichel Anderson Short Stories And Beyond Podcast Show is the annual reading of his infamous book of essays and critique with special guests on some dates.
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Princess Aamina
MOLIAE Short Stories are before the time of Princess Amaina with the aforemention Future Series where the podcast timeline advances, get into the know of Princess Aamina that started it all in the book "Mitsrayim: A Memoir of A Past Life In Ancient Egypt" that hones on family, courage, and find true love; Soul Mates.
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Introducing the first collection of MOLIAE NFTS, "The Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion." 10k classmates on Ethereum Blockchain will participate in a TBA MINT date. The MOLIAE Warrior is chosen by the leaders to find the missing Royal HUJTA swords, which were discovered to be gone as the classmates arrived for the reunion.
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New short story on podcast show of the timeline of the Harlem Renaissance, where a young Jewels born in Harlem, NY with dream of a famous singer is during the early start of what will be called Harlem Renaissance and during the time of W.E.B. Du Bois that played a major role in development of the intellectual Mecca in it, the stories takes off in series of parts.
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Nichel Anderson
Published author, writer, Ancient Egypt | Kemet Herbalist Chemist- Formulator, Music Lyrist Songwriter | Engineer-Mixer Arranger, Producer, and Director of Film, Ms. Nichel Anderson is a multi-talented divinely gifted for the pursuit to influence and inspire thru the complexity of emerging ideas of souls forward moving to the betterment of mankind of Leadership therein.
Join in the epic Podcast Short Story :Atlantis" by host, writer of this epic newly storytelling drama and be entralled of the interconnected ream of Ms. Anderson version of historic Atlantis with the most recent episode released "Part 8 : We are amongst the truthseekers of Akun" love it share it!
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Future Series
Of Nahor and Princess Aamina | PA1, PA2, PA3, PA4 are Bonus Podcast Episodes and of the timeline of prior years from the book "Mitsrayim: A Memoir of A Past Life In Ancient Egypt and after the first Future Series as young child as PA for Prior to adult years where Nahor still have some years Princess Aamina before the Kings arrived on scene.
Buy Book
The journey that started it all leading up to now podcast show "Nichel Anderson Short Stories And Beyond" the book "Mitsrayim: A Memoir of a Past Life In Ancient Egypt" available in all bookstores, if you purchased you copy leave a positive reivew and share it.
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Whom Am I?
Forthcoming stories of MOLIAE World along with the release of the first album by NICHEL MOLIAE "When Love Was Divine" of the song "You Know Me" will as well as launch mini stories into an epic storytelling series connected to the NFTS "Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion" for an triple Epic stories Universe | MOLIAE World. Stay tune !
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MOLIAE Love Short Stories
NEW short stories based Youtube MOLIAE Channel Love Groove Playlist of a new couple meeting up again after college and start a new journey of love, discovery of the vibe they are connecting on an interesting adventure around the world.
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MOLIAE Collection
Get your royal style on wearing our soft and stylist MOLIAE logo tshirt featuring the original logo symbol of the pyramids of Egypt and signature simplistic 360 of encircling the Power of M. This design is available for men and women in variety of sizes
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About PODCAST Show

Nichel Anderson Short Stories And Beyond Podcast Show is where the love of Ancient Egypt is in our hearts, mind and of course soul lets get into this and remember the times where at the official site for Moments of Love In Ancient Egypt from the book “Mitsrayim: A Memoir of A Past Life In Ancient Egypt” as well as the influential podcast show “Nichel Anderson Short Stories And Beyond” that enthralled the reader and listener to new awareness of the vast experience of Ancient Egypt and values set forth for future generation of our NFTS learn more at MOLIAEWorld.com

Podcast Show

“Of our pursuit for something better of our worth, we define this positioning by the stories that we share of wisdom learned so that others can learn to love the beauty of Creativity from the ALL Universe while on our journey to evolve. In that, we find our True Love.”

Nichel Anderson

Nichel Anderson Short Stories And Beyond Podcast Show

Influential podcast show returns for another season, check out the show notes for episodes schedule dates now monthly with bonuses episodes.

Season 8 2024-2025

Influential podcast show returns for another season, check out the show notes for episodes schedule dates now monthly with bonuses episodes.



October 21, 2024
October 21, 2024

"ATLANTIS : Part 10" | "When new love RISES within another" | A new love interests appear for one of the twins that sparks a possibility to stay longer in the rule area of their older brother Metum. 

What is real love?

Tune in for the next lively, motivational, and inspiring as well as funny podcast live show with host, Nichel Anderson and special guests Lasko and Dr. Amber Q., from the U.K. joining in for some wisdom. The next live show is TBA., in the meantime, you can check out the previous live shows discussions on MOLIAE Youtube channel.

Be the 1st to buy "you know me" song & REMIX

NEWS | 5 MUSIC songs have been released that will be apart of the official first album of Nichel MOLIAE. 

| Buy the only original Remix Version of “You Know Me and “Atlantans” song and “Kingship” remixes all by Nichel MOLIAE only available right here only this version of the remix available on MOLIAE.com/shop |

When a Queen EMPRESS has to choose for the divine love going with what you know feels right that is true, brings forth remembering positive love connection, both of clarity and happiness to start a new path together. **Sign up to be notified get it!

In the journey of love, we search for the connection that brings forth our real selves of learning to give and receive what Nichel MOLIAE calls ‘the 360’ and in that we discover the basis to formulate true love. But sometimes the choosing of whom can enter moments of uncertainty with emotions of the vibe between another requires a perspective of reasoning to decide if that person is the one. In the song “You Know Me” hones on that perspective as from Ms. Anderson’s book ” Mitsrayim: A Memoir of A Past Life In Ancient Egypt” there are two Kings vying for her love and affection and she must choose … which one?   

The podcast moliae short stories

Of the journey of Ms. Nichel Anderson’s book “Mitsrayim: A Memoir of A Past Life In Ancient Egypt” | THE MOLIAE  FILM |  the podcast show is before the time of Princess Aamina or prior childhood and preadult years of Future Series: Nahor and Princess Aamina PA1-PA4, currently, as well as entailed theatre, short films, feature film of Dr. W.E.B. DuBois of “Dawn of A New Day” and Short Stories entailing releasing a Comic Book Series..

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golden pyracreative productions

Of the journey towards making Ms. Nichel Anderson’s book “Mitsrayim: A Memoir of A Past Life In Ancient Egypt”  | The MOLIAE Film | into a feature film, in the meantime, entailed theatre, short films, feature film of Dr. W.E.B. DuBois of “Dawn of A New Day” and Short Stories entailing releasing a Comic Book Series. Stay tune for the re-access to these and future film endeavors as updating that domain for completion is TBA.


Announcing the first MOLIAE NFTS collection “The Pyramid Mystery Temple Reunion” of 10k classmates on the Ethereum Blockchain with a TBA MINT date as the leaders are currently voting to whom will be the MOLIAE Warrior to find their missing Royal HUJTA swords that as they arrived to their much anticipated reunion discovered all the classmates swords were missing.

Thus, the thought-creative pyramids before the time of Mitsrayim MOLIAE must find them as they are some that destined to be handed down to the generation of MOLIAE time.

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nnouncing the first MOLIAE Music Album anticipated to be release in 2023 with the first single released in 2022 entitled “When Love Was Divine” check it out and share it if you believe in the positive vibe True Love that souls can have for a happy journey together!

The single “When Love Was Divine” lyrics wrote and composed by Ms. Nichel Anderson with special guest offers a way to connect with our truest self of expression to tell someone how you feel in a loving and “giving” nature that both aspire for the best expression by mentally and spiritually growing together as learning how to share that produces the best type of balanced love. SHARE THIS SONG IF YOU LOVE IT!

The Comic Book Series

Stay tune for the return of the first MOLIAE Comic Book Series feature on WEBTOONS that started in previous season podcast show “Nichel Anderson Short Stories And Beyond”

You Are of the All

154 / 300 Pages

Stay tune for the return of the first MOLIAE Comic Book Series feature on WEBTOONS that started in previous season podcast show “Nichel Anderson Short Stories And Beyond”

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The Comic Book Series

Stay tune for the return of the first MOLIAE Comic Book Series feature on WEBTOONS that started in previous season podcast show “Nichel Anderson Short Stories And Beyond” where the timeline is before the podcast series “Before The Time of Princess Aamina” that revealed many new characters from the timeline of King Mahlon and Queen Hagar dealing with the Trial Leaders of the Sudan. In the image here, one of the released Comic Book Series highlights the introduction of young boy that will be King of Kodesh and the true love interests of Princess Aamina, they called him Daniy’el within the book of “Mitsrayim: A Memoir of A Past Life In Ancient Egypt” that offers an interesting insight into the world of young King Daniy’el.

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